societies continue to expand and develop, we realize the importance of constant supply of
Electricity. However there are some people who fear that we may soon run out of
fuel for generating Electricity.
tackle this problem, a group of researchers came up with an amazing discovery
on how they can generate Electricity from the one thing humans don’t need money
to produce: Pee. For those of you who are not familiar with this term, Pee is
They devised a way to ensure that the fuel cell runs on urine by relying on the processes of Electric Bacteria. These
Electric Bacteria are living cells that feed on and breathe in Electricity.
How does this work?
from University of Bath, Queen Mary University of London collected bacteria
from sewage water treatment plant in the United Kingdom and observed that these
bacteria were able to generate Electricity by making contact with mineral surfaces.
to The International Energy Agency report, over 1.2 billion people have no access to
technology has the potential of addressing the poor sanitation in developing
countries and remote areas while generating electricity," Di Lorenzo said.
Researchers have high hopes in this discovery as they claim that there will be a tremendous slash down in the cost of generating Electricity to the barest minimum while combating the effect of fossil
This whole process does not involve the emission of harmful gasses which makes it so incredible because it both tackles the environmental sanitation problem while generating "2 watts per cubic meter of energy, which is about enough to power a cellphone" Di Lorenzo said
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