Saturday, 14 May 2016


While the world continues to advance in technology, Africa is not left out, as we continue to witness amazing inventions stemming from the the continent.
A young Cameroonian, Arthur Zang invented the Cardio Pad. This exceptional devise works to alleviate the aggravation of a heart disease especially in places where there is no access to a trained Cardiologist.

How Does it Work?
The devise has two sensor electrodes which are attached to a patient’s chest (It works as a digitized ECG). The Bluetooth transmits the heart’s reading to the Cardio Pad which can then be transmitted wirelessly through a phone to the national data which can be accessed by a Specialist. The Specialist can then make diagnosis and send the prescription to the health worker that is available who can then go on to administer the prescriptions.

This device is simply amazing!

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