Monday, 23 May 2016


You can agree with me that tying your shoe lace can be very annoying sometimes especially if you are in a hurry to go somewhere and you are running late.

Well, that problem is about to become history as Nike once again came up with an incredible invention of a self lacing sneakers. “Did you say ‘self lacing’?” Yes I did.

All you need to do is put it on and it fastens itself to your feet. It has some adjustment buttons on the side to tighten or loosen for your comfort.

Saturday, 21 May 2016


The creators of Snow white probably never had the slightest idea they were predicting the future. I’m sure you heard the queen say “Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all?”. Now we can say, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fittest of them all?

A group of researchers created a mirror, with a lot of sensors that is literally a body scanner, called Naked. This mirror measures the body’s dimensions, weight and muscle mass, all displayed on a 3D avatar of your physique.

Ed Sclater, co-founder of Naked Labs, said, “The device, called Naked, is the first 3D body scanner and fitness tracker designed specifically for people to use in their homes.”
According to Livescience:

“Naked consists of a mirror, scale and smartphone app.”

How This Works

First, you stand on a scale. The scale is placed in front of the mirror and makes a continuous 360-degree-rotation. During this process, infrared light scans your entire body. It is recommended you wear a tight sports outfit.

Secondly, when you step down from the scale, your measurement is sent through an app to your smartphone. It is stored for as long as you want. You can zoom in on any part of your body where you might notice any incongruence.

Consider this your personal body tracker. 

Monday, 16 May 2016


It can be scary to think about aging. Beauty shops know this, which is why they continue to come up with new products to convince ladies that they can stay young forever. One lady told me she could remember holding her mother’s wrinkled and freckled hand. “Now” she says, “I’m looking at my own wrinkled and freckled hands”. 
Is there a solution? Of course, there is.

A team of researchers in MIT and Havard came up with XPL, an abbreviation for Cross-linked Polymer Layer. Unlike other beauty products that claim to wipe off aging wrinkles, the XPL simply masks the “signs” of aging.

According to “Cool Things” website publication:

This material “literally shaves decades off your face by covering your wrinkles up.”

This skin-like material can be applied to any area of skin to cover up skin defects for up to 24 hours. The application process is really simple and comfortable.

Saturday, 14 May 2016


While the world continues to advance in technology, Africa is not left out, as we continue to witness amazing inventions stemming from the the continent.
A young Cameroonian, Arthur Zang invented the Cardio Pad. This exceptional devise works to alleviate the aggravation of a heart disease especially in places where there is no access to a trained Cardiologist.

How Does it Work?
The devise has two sensor electrodes which are attached to a patient’s chest (It works as a digitized ECG). The Bluetooth transmits the heart’s reading to the Cardio Pad which can then be transmitted wirelessly through a phone to the national data which can be accessed by a Specialist. The Specialist can then make diagnosis and send the prescription to the health worker that is available who can then go on to administer the prescriptions.

This device is simply amazing!

Thursday, 12 May 2016


For folks who do a lot of travelling and sometimes encounter the challenge of finding good clean water in some places, you do not have to worry anymore.
I came across this incredible invention by Kristof Retezár, a designer based in Vienna. It’s a Self-filling Water Bottle.

This device extracts humidity from the atmosphere and condenses it into drinkable water.

According to Live Science:
"This is simply condensation of the humidity that is contained in the air," Retezár "You always have a certain percentage of humidity in the air, it doesn't matter where you are — even in the desert. That means you would always potentially be able to extract that humidity from the air."

The device is solar powered. It contains a condensator which is connected to hydrophobic surfaces that repel water which then drips into the bottle.
This is just exceptional brilliance

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


As societies continue to expand and develop, we realize the importance of constant supply of Electricity. However there are some people who fear that we may soon run out of fuel for generating Electricity.
To tackle this problem, a group of researchers came up with an amazing discovery on how they can generate Electricity from the one thing humans don’t need money to produce: Pee. For those of you who are not familiar with this term, Pee is urine.

They devised a way to ensure that the fuel cell runs on urine by relying on the processes of Electric Bacteria. These Electric Bacteria are living cells that feed on and breathe in Electricity.

How does this work?
Researchers from University of Bath, Queen Mary University of London collected bacteria from sewage water treatment plant in the United Kingdom and observed that these bacteria were able to generate Electricity by making contact with mineral surfaces.

According to The International Energy Agency report, over 1.2 billion people have no access to electricity.
"The technology has the potential of addressing the poor sanitation in developing countries and remote areas while generating electricity," Di Lorenzo said.

Researchers have high hopes in this discovery as they claim that there will be a tremendous slash down in the cost of generating Electricity to the barest minimum while combating the effect of fossil fuel.

This whole process does not involve the emission of harmful gasses which makes it so incredible because it both tackles the environmental sanitation problem while generating "2 watts per cubic meter of energy, which is about enough to power a cellphone" Di Lorenzo said